No Spam Use of Excessive Caps and Chat Flood will not be tolerated.
Unapproved Modification Any use of cheats/hacked clients, script or macros will not be tolerated (This includes the reload textures method to hold down a button).
AFK Farming Any form of AFK Farming will not be tolerated. This does not include having alts loading in areas.
Toxicity / Staff Disrespect Any form of toxicity or staff disrespect will not be tolerated.
Inappropriate Content Any talk about drugs, sex, etc. will not be tolerated.
Harassment Any form of harassment towards staff or players will not be tolerated.
Advertisement Any form of advertisement whether or not it's mentioning a server names / ip's (except hypixel), or social media will not be tolerated.
Malicious Threats Any form of inappropriate/malicious threats joking or not will not be tolerated.
Racism / Discrimination Any form of Racism or Discrimination will not be tolerated.
Scamming / Griefing Any form of scamming or griefing will not be tolerated.
Doxx / DDoS Threats Any form of Doxxing or DDoS threats will not be tolerated!
Doxx / DDoS Any form of Doxxing or DDoS attacks will not be tolerated.
Bug Exploiting Any use of Bug Exploiting will not be tolerated. (If you by accident abused a bug make a ticket on our Discord)
Botting Any form of Botting on our Network will not be tolerated.
Inappropriate Skin/Username/Nickname Any use of Inappropriate Skin, Username or Nicknames will not be tolerated.
Towny Rules all town owned plots(no player owns the plot) are not covered as player owned plots, so no eviction rules.
Towny Rules Evictions require you to notify the player by /mail with 30 days notice.
Towny Rules You can remove a player from owned plots after they have been evicted.
Towny Rules You can remove a player from your town if they own no plots at any time for any reason.
Towny Rules Towny staff are allowed to use the powers granted as they see fit given they do not break server rules
Towny Rules If a rule seems unclear open a ticket on the Discord to ask for clarification.